Course Title and Code
RF and Microwave Passive Circuits (EE5003)
B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)
Course Credit
3-0-0-3 (Lecture-Tutorial-Practical-Total Credits)
Course Category
Undergraduate course in Electromagnetic Fields
Consent of Teacher
Learning Objectives
- To develop an understanding of microwave engineering necessary to apply it to modern engineering problems.
- To mathematically model and analyze microwave components.
- To understand and provide solutions to the key issues of microwave design problems using HFSS.
Learning Outcomes
- Solve assignments on working of transmission lines, rectangular and circular waveguide as resonators.
- Design power dividers and directional couplers for class project in HFSS.
Course Content
- Microwave resonators: Series and Parallel Resonant Circuits, Loaded and Unloaded Q, Transmission Line Resonators (Short-Circuited λ/2 Line and λ/4 Line, Open-Circuited λ/2 Line), Rectangular Waveguide Cavity Resonators.
- Microwave filters: Filter Design by the Insertion Loss Method, Characterization by Power Loss Ratio, Maximally Flat Low-Pass Filter Prototype, Equal-Ripple Low-Pass Filter Prototype, Linear Phase Low-Pass Filter Prototypes, Filter Transformations, Bandpass and Bandstop Transformations, Filter Implementation, Richards’ Transformation, Kuroda’s Identities, Impedance and Admittance Inverters.
- Introduction to coupled line filters.
- PIN diodes and their applications in microwave Phase Shifters; Reflection phase shifter, switched line phase shifter, loaded line phase shifter, high-pass/low pass phase shifters.
- Microwave Tubes: Klystrons, Reflex Klystrons, Travelling Wave Tubes (TWT) and Magnetron.
- Microwave diodes (IMPATT Diodes, Gunn Diodes).
Text Books
- D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 4th edition, John Wiley, New York, 2013.
- R. Ludwig, G. Bogdanov, RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications, 2nd edition, Pearson, 2009.