Course Title and Code
Synthesis of Control (EE5022)
Course Credit
3-0-0-3 (Lecture-Tutorial-Practical-Total Credits)
Course Category
Basics of ordinary differential equations and linear algebra
Course Content
S/N | Topic | Lecture (hours) | Tutorial (hours) |
1 | Introduction: Revisit transfer functions, PID control, lead-lag compensator, discuss challenges in transfer functions when applied to multiple-input multiple-output systems. | 6 | |
2 | State space models: State Space Equations, Linearization, Solutions to Linear Time Invariant systems, Matrix Exponentials. | 6 | |
3 | Analysis: Equilibrium and operating points, Stability notions (BIBO, exponential, semistable, Lyapunov), Controllability, Stabilizability, Observability. Analysis on feasible operating points and tracking. | 14 | |
4 | Linear Control Design: point stabilization, tracking, state feedback control - Pole placement, Lyapunov based control, output feedback control - design of observers. Control Decompositions - Brunovskys form, Jordan form. | 16 |
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to analyze and design controllers/observers for linear time-invariant state space control systems.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures and Tutorials
Assessment Methods
Assignments, Tests (or Mid-term evaluation), End Sem Exam
Text Books
- Linear Systems Theory, Joao P. Hespanha, ISBN-10: 0691179573
- Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, ISBN-10: 0135891280
Reference Books
- Linear System Theory and Design, Chi-Tsong Chen, ISBN-10: 0199959579
- Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Karl Johan Åström and Richard M Murray, ISBN-10: 0691135762