Course Title and Code

Engineering Electromagnetics (EE2060)


B.Tech (Electrical Engineering)

Course Credit

3-0-0-3 (Lecture-Tutorial-Practical-Total Credits)

Course Category


Prerequisite Course

Physics 2

Consent of Teacher

Not required

Learning Objectives

Develop the skills of using mathematical and electromagnetic tools to solve electromagnetic theory problems, writing the Maxwell’s equations with proper explanations. Analyze basic wave propagation problems as well as polarization information of an electromagnetic wave. Analyze the wave propagation theory in pure dielectric, impure dielectric as well as in conductors.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to understand the concept of Maxwell’s equations and the applications. Analyze basic wave propagation problems as well as polarization information of an electromagnetic wave. Understand the essentials of transmission lines and its applications. Understand the working of a rectangular and circular waveguide and simulate the properties in OpenEMS software tool as well as in MATLAB.


  1. Transmission Line: Transmission line theory, line terminated by resistive load, transmission line discontinuity, lines with reactive terminations and discontinuities, lines with initial condition, interconnections with logic gates, short circuited lines, line terminated by arbitrary load, transmission line matching, smith chart, the lossy line, pulses on lossy line. (14 hours)
  2. Uniform Plane Wave: Curl and divergence, uniform plane wave in the time domain in free space, sinusoidal time-varying uniform plane wave in free space, polarization of sinusoidal time-varying vector fields, Power flow and energy storage, conductors and semiconductors, dielectrics, magnetic material, wave equation and solution for material medium, uniform plane wave in dielectrics and conductors, boundary conditions, reflection and transmission of uniform plane waves. (14 hours)
  3. Wave Guide: Uniform plane wave propagation in an arbitrary direction, TE and TM waves in a parallel plate waveguide, transmission line equivalents, dispersion and group velocity, reflection and refraction of plane waves, dielectric slab guide, rectangular metallic waveguide and cavity resonator, cylindrical metallic waveguide and cavity resonator, losses in metallic waveguide and resonators. (14 hours)

Text Books

  • Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics by Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Sixth edition, (2004) Pearson Education, ISBN-13: 978-0131139619.

Reference Books

  • Engineering Electromagnetics by Nathan Ida, second edition, (2000) Springer International Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0387201566.
  • Principles of Electromagnetics by Matthew N. O. Sadiku and S. V. Kulkarni, sixth edition, (2015) Oxford University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0199461851.